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AFGHANISTAN: The Military Hides Under the Skirts of Women to Justify War in Afghanistan

For eight years, many Americans have justified the war in Afghanistan as a moral battle to "protect" Afghan women. But Afghan women tell another story: more U.S. war will bear them more suffering.

YEMEN: Kuwaiti Elections and Yemeni Women Quota System

The first time Kuwaiti women ventuered into parlimentarian elections as candidates, they won four seats hands down. Yemeni women have been participating in all sorts of elections as candidates and the number of successful candidates in next to none.

Where did we go wrong?

YEMEN: Women Political Participation Workshop Starts in Sana'a

A training workshop on women's effectual political participation organized by Yemeni Women's Union (YWU) and Club of Madrid for Promoting Democracy in the World started here on Sunday.

The two-day workshop, which comes as an extension for the last meeting held in February 2009, aims to increase the political participation of Yemeni women, Fathiah Mohammed, Deputy Chairwoman of YWU said in her speech.

IRAQ: Iraqi Crisis Report: Combating Female Circumcision

I became an activist to stop female genital mutilation last year after reading a shocking survey from a secondary school in Rania, a town in Sulaimaniyah province. Every single one of the girls in the school reported that their genitals had been cut.

IRAN: Iranian Activist Nominated for Student Peace Prize

Bahareh Hedayat

Bahareh Hedayat, Iranian student activist was nominated for the 2010 Student Peace Prize by the European Students' Union, an umbrella organization of 45 national unions comprised of students from 35 different countries.

LEBANON: A Dwindling Show by Women in Lebanese Politics

A seductive woman looks out from the billboards that line Beirut's highways proclaiming, "Be Beautiful and Vote," one political party's appeal to women in this beauty-obsessed nation's upcoming parliamentary elections.

LEBANON: Women Battle for Citizenship Rights

One can be born in Lebanon and live here all one's life, and still not be a Lebanese citizen. Lebanon is one of few remaining countries in the Middle East where a mother is unable to pass citizenship to her children.

LEBANON: Lebanon's Crawl to Equality

It sees itself as one of the Middle East's most liberal countries, but Lebanon's lack of women politicians is conspicuous. While Lebanese women today enjoy senior positions in the private sector, political appointments have all but eluded them.

Lebanese women were granted suffrage in 1953, yet to this day they face considerable obstacles to entering politics in a country where political dynasties and patriarchy rule.

IRAN: Who Was Really Cheated in Iran's Vote? Women.

What is striking about the Iranians protesting fraud in the June 10 "election" is the number of women on the front lines. Among all those cheated at the polls, they may feel the most denied.
