By Rocio Maradiegue
(Visual: Gettysburg Finland Flag)
On 13 April 2018, the Finnish Government launched its third UNSCR1325 National Action Plan (NAP) for a period of four years (2018-2021). Developed in partnership with civil society, the 2018-2021 NAP serves to strengthen the meaningful participation of women across peace cycle, mainstream gender in security sector and improve the protections of women and girls while strengthening conflict prevention. The 2018-2021 NAP also demonstrates good practice by shedding light on the link between arms proliferation and women’s security. Specifically, it aims to incorporate a gender perspective into arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation.
The 1325 Network has been actively involved in the evaluation and re-development of Finland’s third NAP through a number of consultations. As the implementation of the NAP will be assessed and monitored systematically, civil society also plays an active role in delivering specific objectives, including developing projects aimed at fulfilling specific NAP objectives, and monitoring the NAP implementation process through its membership in the national follow-up group. Inclusive partnership for the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda at the national level is another important step for Finland.
Read more about Finland’s 2018-2021 UNSCR1325 National Action Plan here>>