May Update for Peacewomen's NEW National Implementation Page

Check out PeaceWomen/WILPF's newest addition to our website, the SCR 1325 National Action Plan Initiative.!!!!

36 countries have NAPs โ€“ you may have been involved and continue to monitor implementation. PeaceWomen wanted to bring this work together and highlight that NAPs are only effective if the process is consultative and implementation is tracked.

You can find all NAPs and analysis of Civil Society Participation and also WILPF advocacy. Also we show examples of budgets and indicators, as well as thematic priorities such as disarmament.

Since there are lots of questions about what a NAP is, we included a Frequently Asked Question function to explain the content and process of NAP development. This we hope will support civil society in countries hoping to push their government to draft NAP process. This is still work in progress so please send your comments, input and information to me at

NAPs in News:
NEPAL/PHILIPPINES: Nepal Officials Visit Kalinga to Share Peace Plans
N-Peace Indonesia's Second National Dialogue on NAP P4K Ignites CSO Activity
Meeting of the National Coordination Group On "National Action Plan for 2012-2015"
UN Women Promotes the Integration of Peace and Security Issues into the National Action Plan