Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) theme focuses on the incidence and prevalence of violence against women in conflict and post-conflict settings. Polarisation of gender roles, proliferation of weapons, militarisation, and the breakdown of law influence SGBV.

The risk of SGBV is heightened during conflict by aggravating factors, including the polarization of gender roles, the proliferation of arms, the militarization of society, and the breakdown of law and order. The subsequent long-term and complex impacts of SGBV continue to affect individuals and communities after conflict ends.

SGBV is addressed in all five resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. In SCR 1888, the Security Council expresses its intention to ensure peacekeeping mandate resolutions contain provisions on the prevention of, and response to, sexual violence, with corresponding reporting requirements to the Council (OP11). The resolutions deal with protecting women from violence (1820,OP3, 8-10; 1888,OP3,12); strengthening local and national institutions to assist victims of sexual violence (1820,OP13; 1888,OP13); and including strategies to address sexual violence in post-conflict peacebuilding processes (1820,OP11). SCR 1820 also calls for the participation of women in the development of mechanisms intended to protect women from violence (OP10).

Lastly, SCR 1960 creates institutional tools and teeth to combat impunity and outlines specific steps needed for both the prevention of and protection from conflict-related sexual violence. The new “naming and shaming,” listing mechanism mandated in the Resolution is a step forward in bringing justice for victims and a recognition that sexual violence is a serious violation of human rights and international law.

Addressing SGBV is an integral aspect of the overall Women, Peace and Security agenda. SGBV affects the health and safety of women, and also has significant impact on economic and social stability. The Security Council recognises that sexual violence can threaten international peace and security, and that it is frequently used as a tactic of war to dominate, humiliate, terrorise, and displace.

For more resources on this Critical Issue, visit PeaceWomen Resource Center >>

LIBERIA: More Mass Graves Discovered in Five Liberian Counties

There are reports of the discovery of more mass graves in several counties in Liberia. According to a local non-governmental organization the Liberia Massacre Survival Association (LMSA) operating in the country, the graves were recently identified in the counties of Margibi, Grand Gedeh Nimba, Bong and Montserrado.

UGANDA: Soldier Kills Four Women in Karamoja

Nakapiripirit — A UPDF soldier attached to the 407 Brigade has shot dead four women and injured one at Katanga Village in Nakapiripirit Town Council.

Pte Godfrey Kwikiriza, who is on the run, reportedly shot Rose Loyoro, Tereza Ayule, Anna Korobe, Evelyn Lopua and Josephine Tebanya after they rejected his sexual advances on Monday night.

DRC: Risk of Mass Rape in DR Congo Can Be Reduced, World Vision Says

The risk of future mass rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo can be greatly reduced if the United Nations prioritizes civilian protection and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) writes strict regulations governing the use of conflict minerals, World Vision said today.

LIBERIA: Surviving Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Liberia

As part of my security induction in Liberia I was struck by the emphasis on my personal safety as a woman. Among other restrictions, I'm not allowed to be out on foot alone between 7pm to 7am.

DRC: DRC, UN Must Both Work to Stop Mass Rapes in DRC: UN Chief

Both the United Nations and the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must work together to prevent the recurrence of mass rapes which were recently perpetrated in the eastern part of DRC, UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon told reporters here Thursday.

HAITI: UN Launches Anti-Rape Campaign in Haiti

The United Nations is launching a campaign to combat the rape of Haitian earthquake victims living in camps for the homeless, the U.N.'s top official in the country said Monday.

COLOMBIA: Spanish Delegation to Study Sexual Abuse in Colombia

A Spanish delegation arrived in Colombia Thursday to meet with Colombian congressmen and discuss the problem of the sexual abuse of women in the Andean nation's armed conflict.

"We were invited by women who are members of the new Colombian Congress in order to observe and share ideas of how to combat the use of sexual violence as a weapon in the armed conflict in Colombia," said Spanish delegate Jordi Pedret.

PAKISTAN: School Attacks Spark Fears of a Lost Generation of Girls

The Taliban have renewed attacks on girls' schools in northwest Pakistan, stoking fears of a fresh terror campaign against women.

DRC: Congolese Women Denounce Mass Rape and Foreign Occupation

We take this opportunity on this day, Sept. 7, 2010, marked by the meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the recent case of mass rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to denounce this war of low intensity imposed on the Congolese population in the east of their country.

SOMALIA: Mass exodus in Somalia ongoing due to continued violence

The capital of Mogadishu, Somalia has been the scene of ongoing clashes between Government troops and Islamist Militant groups, including Al-Shabaab. Violence in the city has led to some 3,000 casualties this year and uprooted around 200,000 people. The fighting is far from over and the situation is critical for those who remain in the capital.
