
UN Security Council Member: 
Conflict Country: 

CAMBODIA: Government Uplifts Women's Role in Socio-Economic Activities

The Royal Government of Cambodia encourages for having more women participations in national and sub-national institutions, aiming to promote social gender equity.

SOLOMON ISLANDS: Women to Share Election Experiences

A THREE-DAY workshop on the 2010 National Diagnostic Study and Think Tank on Women in Shared Decision Making will officially open tomorrow in Honiara.

The workshop will focus on the efforts of women leading up to the 2010 general elections and to analyse the barriers to women's representation in national and provincial governance.

Think Tank will also be linking these issues to the electoral and political governance reforms.

TURKEY: Women Still Fighting for Rights, Representation in Turkey

A convention was held at the Istanbul Congress Center on Friday to evaluate the degree to which the internationally recognized Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, or CEDAW, has improved over the last 30 years.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Women Weaving Bougainville Together

Helen Samu Hakena exudes a serenity that belies her extraordinary energy and inner strength that she has devoted to the cause of justice, peace building and advocating for women's and human rights and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.

OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES: Report: Palestinian Women's Rights Still Ways Off

Last week, Euromed's Gender Equality Program (EGEP) published a report on gender equality and women's rights in Palestine. Despite optimistic movement forward, the report said that women's rights in Palestine have many hurdles that must be overcome.

A number of the hurdles to women's empowerment and gender equality, the report said, were a direct result of Israel's occupation of the territories.

KURDISTAN: Combined Revolutions Begin to Bear Fruit for Kurdish Women Guerrillas

A jeep screeches to a halt in front of the house, and with a slamming of doors, three Kurdish fighters emerge, two of them women. They stride into the villagers' house, and even though it is late and the family wants to sleep, their hosts bring out some fruit and tea.

KURDISTAN: Mass Arrest of Women Marchers

Dozens of women were arrested en masse in Urfa during their march against gender-based violence and for the protection of women's rights.Women marchers had begun in Hakkari and were headed for Ankara, where they would meet up with the rest of their compatriots from Diyarbakır. Those in Hakkari had marched since Tuesday.

ASIA/PACIFIC: Asian Legislators Pledge to Eliminate Violence Against Women

Ministers and parliamentarians from 19 countries in Asia-Pacific have agreed on 'Whole-of-Government Approaches' for the promotion and advancement of actions and legislation on the elimination of violence against women.

SRI LANKA: Women, Peace and Security

The adoption of the Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), ten years ago, was a landmark in our efforts to recognize the women's contribution to the maintenance and promotion of peace and security and their specific needs and concerns during and in the aftermath of armed conflicts.
