
UN Security Council Member: 
Conflict Country: 

LEBANON: Women in Lebanon Remain at Risk from Conflict

Women in Lebanon remain disproportionably at risk from conflict and have largely been excluded from the national reconstruction process, Lebanon's The Daily Star reported Tuesday, citing a United Nations report released on Monday.

MIDDLE EAST: Women at the Peace Table

The 10th anniversary of a landmark UN resolution linking women, peace and security is a reminder of the importance of having women at the top table of peace, including in the Middle East. If you review peace processes in the last two decades throughout the world, you discover that only one in 50 signatories to peace treaties is a woman, and only one in every 13 members of negotiating delegations has been a woman.

INDONESIA: Norway to Give $1.65m to Boost Women's Role in Politics

In an effort to strengthen the status of Indonesian women in politics and enhance their role in democratic governance, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta on Thursday signed a cooperation agreement with The Asia Foundation in Indonesia.

INDONESIA: Barriers Prevent Indonesian Women from Achieving Reproductive Health

Many Indonesian women and girls, especially those from poor and marginalised communities, struggle to achieve reproductive health in the face of discriminatory laws, policies and practices, a new report by Amnesty International says.

CAMBODIA: Cambodia Aims To Uplift Women's Role In Public Institutions

Cambodian government has affirmed its commitment to uplift women's status in society, especially, the women's role in serving public institutions, reports China's Xinhua news agency.

KYRGYZSTAN: UNDP Supported a Seminaron Strengthening the Role of Women in Consolidation of Interethnic Relations

On October 27, 2010 Osh Province State Administration hosted a province level seminar on “Strengthening the role of women in consolidation of interethnic relations”. The seminar was organized by Family and Women Affairs Commission under the Osh Province State Administration upon the initiative of Osh Province Advisory Committee with the support of UNDP Peace and Development Program, Kyrgyzstan.

BURMA: Empowering the Burmese majority

As Burma gears up for its first election in more than 20 years, Ye Maung and Khin Pyu Win explore key issues facing its people and what political parties plan to do about them. The first in the series discusses gender equality and women's rights.

GEORGIA/ARMENIA/AZERBAIJAN: South Caucasus People Ready for Women's Greater Political Involvement

On 10th anniversary of UN resolution 1325 people of South Caucasus are ready for greater women's political involvement, protection of women's rights.
