The documentary, This Is Our Witness, opens with a truly horrifying scene—Burmese soldiers urinating on Burmese women prisoners. “This film will tear at your soul,” said Nobel Peace Laureate Maighread Maguire in her introduction. “We must all weep for Burma's women. But the film will also encourage you to act.”
This year marks the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution on Women, Peace and Security. The landmark resolution, known as Resolution 1325, was passed on October 31st, 2000, and for the first time recognized the role women have to play in peace-building.
There has been a concerted effort by Tehran to conflate opposition to the Iranian regime, its human rights abuses, and its inherent and deeply ingrained misogyny, with beating the drums of war. Tehran has managed to take advantage of some anti-war groups to line up support for its murderous behavior. The aim is to insinuate the notion that "if you are against the Iranian regime, you are for war with Iran."
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, during its thirty-third session, held from 5 to 22 July 2005, took note of the preparation of a draft of a new Constitution for Iraq.
While MADRE joins with advocates who recognize that all eight of the Millennium Development Goals are directly linked to women's rights issues, MDG 3 is one of the few goals that specifically address the needs of women.
This was my second visit to Nablus. However, the first wasn't a visit as such. In 1991 I received a call from my brother in law urging me and mother to visit them. What is so urgent I asked?? Eiman is not very well and wants to see her mother, he replied. My sister Eiman married my cousin and moved to Nablus where he lives 12 years prior to that.