
UN Security Council Member: 
Conflict Country: 

Lecture: War Narratives by Arab Women


Sponsor: Middle East and Islamic Studies

Contact: MEIS, College of Ethnic Studies


Phone: (415) 405-2468

World Day of Social Justice

At its sixty-second session, in November 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 20 February as World Day of Social Justice. The day was observed for the first time in 2009.

Conference: Iran: Politics of Resistance

This conference's aim is to explore the strategies and tactics of everyday resistance, in particular that of women and youth, under the rule of a non-democratic constitution, a ruler with virtually unrestricted powers, a constant crack-down against civil society, and when faced with the inefficacy of elections due to systematic electoral fraud.

The Role of the Health Sector in Addressing Gender-Based Violence

The integration of the health sector into strategies to prevent and respond to gender-based violence is often lacking. This meeting will address the obstacles to integrating the health sector into preventing and responding to gender-based violence in conflict, and how they can be overcome. Speakers: Heidi Lehmann (Head, Gender-Based Violence Technical Unit, International Rescue Committee), Nancy E.

International Violence Against Women Act Introduction event at the U.S. Capitol

This event presents a great opportunity for our entire community to demonstrate what widespread support there is for the issue of International Violence Against Women. The I-VAWA bill will be officially introduced to the 111th Congress. This is a jointly event organized by the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Status Report on Haiti

Since the massive earthquake struck Haiti on January 12th, Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph have worked tirelessly coordinating volunteers and relief, speaking to the media, and providing support to Haitians in the DC area. The Embassy is hosting the crisis center for the Greater Washington Haitian Relief Committee, a coalition of Haitian organizations coordinating many of the relief efforts here in the nation's capital.

Beijing at 15

The United Nations Department of Public Information would like to invite you to an online discussion on "Women and the Media", one of the 12 critical areas of concern identified in the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995.

WomenWatch online discussion: Power and decision-making

The Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) invites you to participate in online discussions on the Critical Areas of Concern as a contribution to the 15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action at the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women from 1-12 March, 2010.

WomenWatch online discussion: Human Rights Peacebuilding

The Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) invites you to participate in online discussions on the Critical Areas of Concern as a contribution to the 15-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action at the 54th session of the Commission on the Status of Women from 1-12 March, 2010.

Engaging Women in the Security Sector: Toward A More Holistic Approach to Peacebuilding

What specific and unique contributions do women make throughout the security sector? How can military, police, and policy communities enable their participation? How can troops not only protect women from sexual and other violence, but acknowledge and engage them as critical resources to fulfilling mission mandates?
