BLOG: Engendering Our Work in Uganda

Grameen Foundation
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 - 19:00
Eastern Africa
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights
Initiative Type: 
Online Dialogues & Blogs

After we launched our Community Knowledge Worker (CKW) network in Uganda, I was reviewing a budget report and came across a “babysitting” entry. Thinking this must be an obvious mistake I contacted our local finance person for an explanation. I discovered that we did pay for babysitting as some of the CKWs we were training were mothers who would not have been able to participate unless we paid for child care. It makes perfect sense now and is a good example of a practical step you can take to ensure women and men access your programs.

At Grameen Foundation, we've learned first-hand the importance of doing what it takes to strive for gender equity in our work. Ensuring that women have equal access as men to the actionable agricultural information we provide through our CKW network is not just a ‘feel good' action for us. It is also about the most practical step to take if we are to achieve our goal of improving farmers' livelihoods through access to information. In Uganda, women do 85% of the planting, 85% of the weeding, 55% of the land preparation and 98% of all food processing. This may explain why 90% of rural women in Uganda work in agriculture compared to 53% of men. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), women in rural areas produce at least 50% of the world's food. While women are hard at work on farms, we also know that many women do not have access to mobile phones. According to the Women and Mobile Report by the GSMA and Cherie Blair Foundation, women are 24% less likely than men to own a mobile phone in sub-Saharan Africa and women in rural areas and lower income brackets stand to benefit the most from closing the gender gap in mobile phone ownership.

So what does this mean for our work as an organization that is building a network of trusted farmers to provide agricultural information using mobile phones? We're fighting the mobile phone gender gap by putting phones into the hands of our female Community Knowledge workers. We have set a goal of 35% women as CKWs in our first phase and 40% in our second phase with 50% of the farmers we reach women. Currently, we are at 30% female CKWs. We have heavily weighted the agricultural information we provide toward subjects more important to women including the on-farm crop production cycle (preparing gardens, planting and managing soils/plants). We are also scrutinizing our results though a gender-sensitive lens. For instance, we have discovered that women are much more likely go to and even return to a CKW for information if this worker also happens to be a fellow woman. Of all the farmers we served, 63% of female farmers went to a female CKW for information. In addition, we saw that those that went to a female CKW return about three times in a six weeks period for more information. Those who started off going to a male CKW typically did not return! We use results such as these to consider changes in course and approach. For instance, we are currently working hard towards increasing the percentage of women CKWs we recruit.

One area we continue to seek solutions in is literacy. We have had difficulty recruiting female CKWs, who must be literate, because of lower levels of literacy amongst women compared to men in the regions in which we work. One exciting technology we are exploring now is the delivery of agricultural information over the mobile phone using voice commands and call centers. As this overcomes the barriers of illiteracy this tool might help us reach greater numbers of women.