16+ Forum Annual Showcase 2017 Resources

Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 10:00
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Initiative Type: 

Saba Buadze, Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)

Mariam Tutberidze, IDFI

Jennifer Tsai, American Bar Association and the TAP Network: Transparency Accountability and Participation for the 2030 Agenda (TAP Network)

Jennifer Tsai and Coco Lammers, Namati

Chalida Tajaroensuk, People's Empowerment Foundation 

Linking SDG 16+ and the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Policy and Practice

Zurab Sanikidze, Ministry of Justice, Georgia:

Nina Sarishvili, Administration of the Government, Georgia:

Access to Justice, the Rule of Law and the Open Governement Partnership Initiative: Overlap and Interlinkages

Coco Lammers, Namati:

Anti-corruption, Accountability and Public Service Delivery

Ahjung Lee, UNDP Seoul 

Molly Lien, Embassy of Sweden in Georgia

Hayk Malkhasyan, Deputy Head of the Legal Department, Republic of Armenia, Government Staff

Reflecting Inclusion through Effective Institutions

Laura Garr, White & Case LLP

Oleksandr Pavlichenko, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union:

Mustakim Waid, Office of the Prime Minister, Federal Government of Somalia:

Civic Engagement through Formal and non-Formal Channels

Nana Kurashvili, People in Need, Georgia

Snapshopt Readiness: Instruments for the assessment of SDG implementation, with a focus on SDG 16.3 (access to justice) and 16.7 (participatory decision-making)

Sina Heers, GIZ 

Enacting Inclusion: what do effective policies look like, to what impact, and how might they be incorporated national development or strategic plans

Levan Samadashvili, USAID GGI

Making SDG 16.3 work for the rule of law and access to justice – how 16.3 translates into national contexts, particularly in g7+ states

Marcel Smits, Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP)

Peter van Sluijs, Cordaid

Peace and Reconciliation: Then and Now

Chalida Tajaroensuk, People’s Empowerment Foundation

Violence Reduction, Prevention and Ownership

Habib Ur Rehman Mayar, g7+ Secretariat

Monitoring and Reporting: Steps Forward

Jairo Acuña-Alfaro, UNDP

Marcel Smits, Institute of Economics and Peace

Tying it Together: 2030 Interlinkages and a WHole of Society Approach:

David Steven, New York University’s Center on International Cooperation

Wiem Pousse, Jasmine Foundation