Voices from the Field: The Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Friday, January 1, 2010
Sarah Nagadya, Michael Pierson
Central Africa
Congo (Kinshasa)
Peacewomen Comment: 

This resource was submitted as part of the 1325+10 PeaceWomen initiative to compile a repository of papers dealing with a broad range of issues around the implementation of 1325, as part of the Women, Peace and Security: From Resolution to Action Geneva High-Level Consultation 15-16 September 2010, Geneva.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has entered into the post-conflict era, giving way to a volatile, yet fruitful time for positive change. With the approach of the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, it is now important to assess the progress of women, peace, and security from the pre-conflict to post-conflict stages and to assess the progress and pitfalls in implementing UNSCR 1325. It is impossible to preserve and strengthen peace and international security without fully understanding that the impact of armed conflict on women, the participation of women in the peace process, and equal rights are a prerequisite to the establishment of lasting peace. History has shown us that peace agreements require gender elements; gender-neutral agreements in the past have proven to be discriminatory in practice. The Secretary General of the UN could not have stated it better at the UN Security Council meeting on Women, Peace and Security when he declared that “women are better equipped than men to prevent or resolve conflicts”. Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) has been working, along with partner organizations, and women in the DRC since the beginning of the peace negotiations with the end goal of implementing Resolution 1325 to better the condition of women and to promote their advancement and participation in the peace building process. FAS has been a part of several missions to DRC and has helped support positive change for women. However, despite many successes, the reality of discrimination, violence against women, and low levels of governmental participation calls attention to the need for greater action in order to overcome the obstacles that still exist in the country today.

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