The project "Implementation of UNSCR 1325: Integration of gender sensitive policies in the security sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina" was developed in close cooperation of the NGO Žene Ženama, the Agency for Gender Equality of B&H, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, and UN Women. The project was implemented by Žene Ženama and the Agency for Gender Equality of B&H, as well as the
Coordination Board for the implementation of the Action Plan for 1325 in B&H and ten local women’s organizations.
The planned result of the project was to strengthen capacities of the Coordination Board and security sector to implement and promote the Action Plan on the UNSCR 1325. This was done by means of advancing the understanding about the different security needs of men and women and how to mainstream gender into policies and programs. The project also intended to contribute to the implementation of UNSCR 1325 at the local level, through cooperation with local NGOs and institutions, and to raise public awareness about the UNSCR 1325 and the Action Plan.