Measuring peace from 2015: An indicator framework at work - Saferworld
Debates on the post-2015 development framework are now turning to monitoring and measurement. The United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) is expected to lead on the process for creating an indicator framework, while member states, UN agencies, civil society and academia will play key roles in shaping its final design.
More discussion is required to generate a common approach to overall principles, methods of measurement and data sources for the issues related to peace, governance and justice that have now been agreed for inclusion in Goal 16. Should member states decide to 'technically proof' the framework’s existing targets, this briefing presents a consolidated and improved set of targets for Goal 16.
After showing how many issues related to the goal are already being measured, the paper lays out for discussion different models for a monitoring framework that will effectively measure progress at a global level. This includes different options for assessing when a target has been met and an overview of established best practices for measuring issues related to peace, governance and justice. The briefing paper proposes sets of indicators that could be used together to measure progress towards those targets, assessing their type, relevance, data availability, pros and cons, and overall feasibility of use for global monitoring.
Click here to read Measuring Peace from 2015.
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