UN Women Guidebook on CEDAW General Recommendation No. 30 and the UN Security Council Resoutions on WPS


The purpose of this Guidebook is to increase knowledge on The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Convention) and the United Nations Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and expand understanding of how they can be implemented in congruent ways and used to strengthen and reinforce each instrument’s efficacy. The Guidebook provides an overview of the reporting and monitoring mechanisms inherent to both GR30 and the WPS resolutions, in order to enhance accountability for both frameworks. It provides guidance on how implementation of GR30 and the WPS resolutions can strengthen and reinforce each other, in particular through reporting.

The Guidebook is organized into distinctive sections to enable users to access discrete information and guidance that is of most relevance to their work, as well as to read and use the Guidebook in its entirety.