Banning Nuclear Weapons

Banning nuclear weapons

Despite the growing recognition of the risk and consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, nuclear-armed states and those in military alliances with them continue to rely upon and invest in nuclear weapons. However, the renewed focus on the humantiarian consequences of nuclear weapons has opened space for consideration of the most appropriate political and legal responses to the existence of nuclear weapons.

WILPF, as a steering group member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), believes that the most effective measure for nuclear disarmament in the current context is the negotiation of a legally-binding treaty banning nuclear weapons. A new legal instrument prohibiting these weapons could help facilitate their elimination. It would have a significant impact in both normative as well as well practical terms.

In 2016, the UN General Assembly decided by overwhelming majority to negotiate a treaty banning nuclelar weapons. The negotiations are set for 27 to 31 March and from 15 June to 7 July 2017. We will monitor this process and help facilitate civil society involvement. In the meantime, please check out Reaching Critical Will's publications on banning nuclear weapons, and join ICAN!

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