Empowerment Kit 2017 For Rural Women And Their Communities - Agenda 2030

Women's World Summit Foundation
Sunday, October 1, 2017 - 00:00 to Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 00:00
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Initiative Type: 

This kit is part of the Women's World Summit Foundation campaign "17 Days of Activism for the Empowerment of Rural Women and their Communities". As an additional empowerment tool with strategies and recommendations, the Action Kit is meant to empower rural women leaders and their communities to create new groups and networks (and strengthen existing ones) to claim their basic human rights and demand accountability from governments.

Download the kit below, or read the original by Women's World Summit Foundation here

Document PDF: 

Empowerment Kit 2017 For Rural Women And Their Communities - Agenda 2030