This article describes the Moldova goverment's project “National Action Plan on the implementation of Resolution 1325 of the SC UN”, in cooperation with Civil Society.
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On 24-28 October, 2016 was set the I-st stage of the project “National Action Plan on the implementation of Resolution 1325 of the SC UN”, supported by the Ministry of Defense in collaboration with Institution of Inclusive Security (IIS) and IDC NATO.
Aim of the project is to assist Moldavian Government and civil society to develop a national inter-institutional implementation plan of the Resolution 1325.
This stage was divided into two phases: (a) bilateral meetings with decision makers from Moldavan Governmental Institutions and a meeting with civil society representatives in the field of gender equality (b) 3 day workshop with the involvement of the Working Group and representatives of civil society, in order to identify the priorities for the development of a National Action Plan on the implementation of Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council.
The first event, October 24, 2016, reprsented a meeting with civil society representatives to discuss the availability of involvement in this project and developing of the National Action plan. In the framework of this event speakers were: Jacqueline O’neill, director of the IIS, Ariel Gordon, coordinator of programs IIS, and Asya Varbanova, representative of the mission of UN Women-Moldova. The talks were held in the form of a dialogue between the participants in order to identify the needs and obstacles faced by civil society and last but not least, to find solutions. There was discussed and the Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council on Women, Peace and Security, as well as the number and importance of National Plans existing in other countries. After discussing the topic have been identified the following issues: (a) the plan must be developed for its implementation (b) in the process of adoption of the Plan must be involved state institutions, as well as civil society (c) the financial side must be ensured for a better achievement of the goals proposed in such Plan, (d) it is good to hold in the National Action Plan not only the states involved in the conflicts, (e) for a better impact on such a Plan a direct cooperation between all actors involved in the process of drafting and subsequently involvement is important. In the same context, there were identified a series of priorities that should be included in the future Plan. A special topic was Transnistria and the level of transparency for a National Plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325, and in this sense, the basic conclusion was that in the first place the same communication is needed at the decision making level.
On 24 – 25 October, 2016 have been carried out a set of bilateral meetings of the representatives of the IIS, IDC NATO and the various state institutions such as: the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Reintegration Office and the Customs Service. The purposes of these meetings were to introduce the institutions with this project and analysis of the level subsequent to their involvement in the implementation of the project.
The workshop “Developing the national Plan for implementation of Resolution 1325 of the UN SC” (26-28 October)
On 26-28 October 2016 held the workshop ‘Developing the national Plan for implementation of Resolution 1325 of the UN SC’, which gathered representatives of state institutions in the security sector and civil society which work with gender aspect.
The event was opened by Elena Mârzac, Executive Director of the IDC NATO, who presented the project; the Deputy minister of Defense of the Republic of Moldova, Gheorghe Galbură, which stressed the importance of such a Plan, as well as of Resolution 1325, welcoming the involvement of each institution, whereas such a plan requires long-term collaboration; and Jacqueline O’neill, Director of the IIS, who spoke about the role of Inclusive Security in this project and follows the Institution to be involved.
The activity was organized with the aim to make aware the participants with the process of developing a national plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325, as well as to get acquainted with the existing plans in the world. In order to accomplish this prime purpose, the workshop was attended by Ms Zorana Antonijevic, an expert regional, who spoke about the example of Serbia. This country, being the one in which civil society is very involved in this process, and the NAP of Serbia has contributed to the understanding of sensitive topics related to gender, where one of the most important being violence against women, which currently is very well publicized and discussed both at the local and regional level. Ms Sabine Freizer, Advisor for Peace and Regional Governance of the UN Women, explained what is Resolution 1325, its basics and description, as well as talked about the examples of Georgia, Ukraine and other states, what should be taken into consideration and followed. Other speakers and leading experts, who represent the IIS and who have had as their objective the achievement of the purposes mentioned previously. There was also Jacqueline O’neill, director of the IIS and Ariel Gordon, coordinator of programs under this Institute. Another goal of this activity was to identify gaps in the national and international legislation, a report on the identification of these gaps being presented by Mr. Vadim Vieru, legal consultant. He has evaluated national and international standards on gender equality in the sector of defense and security. The most important areas discussed on this report were the findings detected and the recommendations. Another topic of discussion was the Strategy for equality between women and men in the Republic of Moldova 2017 – 2021, and more specifically, the field of promotion of gender equality in the sector of security and defense. The speaker for this theme was Mrs. Natalia Albu from the Armed Forces Military Academy ‘Alexandru cel Bun’. Elena Taralunga (Ministry of Defense) had a presentation about the process of self-evaluation the inter-institutional gender dimension in the sector of national defense and security. Proceeding from this theme there have been addressed several topics such as: stages of the process of implementation of UNSCR 1325 at the national level that are (a) carrying out the process of self-evaluation the inter-institutional gender dimension in the sector of national defense and security, (b) elaboration of the National Action Plan on the implementation of UNSCR 1325, (c) the actual implementation of the National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325. Mrs. Taralunga has discussed some national policy documents which include the implementation of Resolution 1325 and the involvement of state institutions, international organizations and civil society in the process of self-evaluation.
In addition to the activities which had as a major goal to inform and document participants, in these 3 days were organized a series of exercises about identification of the gaps existing in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova with regard to the subjects deal with (a) the gender dimension, (b) identifying the main challenges which lies at the root of security problems, (c) the analysis of the main causes and effects of these challenges, (d) and identify the necessary solutions in order to improve and eliminate them.
For more information with reference to this project, please contact us at the email address ana.prohnitchi@nato.mdor at no. tel. 022 57 78 24.