Informal Expert Group on Women and Peace and Security: Summary of the meeting on Mali and the Sahel Held On 5 June 2018

Western Africa
Eastern Africa

On 5 July 2018, the Informal Expert Group on Women and Peace and Security convened a meeting on the situation in Mali and the Sahel, ahead of the debate on the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) at the end of July 2018. Members of the Security Council were briefed by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Mali and Head of MINUSMA, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, experts from the mission and representatives of the United Nations country team. The main points regarding Mali, both raised in the briefing and in response to questions from Member States, focused on the low representation of women in the mechanisms tasked with implementing the peace agreement.