The report below includes the main highlights from the 6th annual EDGE Funders conference.
The EDGE community’s challenge felt particularly daunting this year, considering the accelerating rise of right wing and often radicalised populism, corporate power and enclosures of the commons all over the globe. Many participants joining us came from situations of great violence and struggle in their home countries. Acknowledging this sacrifice, the work accomplished and relationships built over our days together are all the more precious, and reinforce EDGE’s critical responsibilities in philanthropy and towards our movement partners at large. As a key global funder conference inclusive of working sessions with civil society activists and grassroots movement partners, the breaking down of barriers among sectors at the conference reflects the shattering of borders we seek in the broader world. A Barcelona Commitment Statement for EDGE members and concrete recommendations from movement partners challenge us all to step up, bring our personal and political commitments to our professional environments, and deepen our solidarity with one another.
Read the report in the PDF format below or find the original at: