Security Council Resolution 1857

Congo (Kinshasa)
Resolution Reference PDF: 

S/RES/1857 (2008)

Resolution Extracts: 

12. Requests in particular that MONUC share information with the Group of Exp...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
Democratic Republic of the Congo

12. Requests in particular that MONUC share information with the Group of Experts, especially on the support received by armed groups, on recruitment and use of children and on the targeting of women and children in situations of armed conflicts;

4. Decides that the measures referred to in paragraph 3 above shall apply to ...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Displacement and Humanitarian Response
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
Democratic Republic of the Congo

4. Decides that the measures referred to in paragraph 3 above shall apply to the following individuals and, as appropriate, entities, as designated by the Committee:

(e) Individuals operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and committing serious violations of international law involving the targeting of children or women in situations of armed conflict, including killing and maiming, sexual violence, abduction and forced displacement;

Recalling its resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) on women, peace and sec...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Human Rights
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Displacement and Humanitarian Response
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Recalling its resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) on women, peace and security, its resolution 1502 (2003) on the protection of United Nations personnel, associated personnel and humanitarian personnel in conflict zones, its resolution 1612 (2005) on children in armed conflict and its resolution 1674 (2006) on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts,