Security Council Resolution 2056

Resolution Reference PDF: 

Mali S/RES/2056 (2012)

Resolution Extracts: 

13. Calls upon all parties in the North of Mali to cease all abuses of human ...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Displacement and Humanitarian Response
General Women, Peace and Security

13. Calls upon all parties in the North of Mali to cease all abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, condemns in particular the targeted attacks against the civilian population, sexual violence, recruitment and use of child soldiers and forced displacement, recalls in this regard all its relevant resolutions on women and peace and security, on children and armed conflict, and on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, and stresses that the perpetrators shall be brought to justice;

26. Acknowledges the significant contribution that women can have in conflict...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding
Peace Processes
General Women, Peace and Security

26. Acknowledges the significant contribution that women can have in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and mediation efforts, calls upon all actors in the crisis in Mali to take measures to increase the number of women involved in mediation efforts and stresses the importance of creating enabling conditions for women's participation and empowerment during all stages of the mediation process;