Security Council Resolution 2332

Monday, December 19, 2016
Resolution Reference PDF: 

Security Council Resolution 2332 (2016)

Resolution Extracts: 

2332 Displacement

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Displacement and Humanitarian Response
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 

Expressing grave concern at the more than 4.8 million refugees, including more than 3.4 million women and children, who have fled Syria as a result of ongoing violence, and recognizing that the continued deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Syria is further contributing to the movement of refugees and poses risks to regional stability,

2332 Human Rights


Strongly condemning the arbitrary detention and torture of individuals in Syria, notably in prisons and detention facilities, as well as the kidnappings, abductions, hostage-taking and forced disappearances, and demanding the immediate end of these practices and the release of all arbitrarily detained persons starting with women and children, as well as sick, wounded and elderly people and United Nations and humanitarian personnel and journalists,

2332 SGBV

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Gravely concerned at the lack of effective implementation of its resolutions 2139 (2014), 2165 (2014), 2191 (2014) and 2258 (2015) and recalling in this regard the legal obligations of all parties under international humanitarian law and international human rights law, as well as all the relevant decisions of the Security Council, including by ceasing all attacks against civilians and civilian objects, including .......  sexual and gender-based violence, as well as all grave violations and abuses committed against children,