Since 2000 remarkable normative progress has been made at the global, regional and national arenas to advance and operationalise the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda. There is also increasing recognition that placing women’s agency at the center of the transition from crisis to sustainable development offers enormous potential for leveraging transformative change.

Yet, despite the benefits that investing in women can bring, the contribution of women to prevention,  humanitarian response and peace consolidation continues to be under-utilised and under-resourced.

In 2015 the Global Study on UNSCR 1325 recommended the establishment of a dedicated fund to address the financing gap for women’s engagement in peace and security, particularly for women’s organisations.

As a result of a joint civil society advocacy, the Global Acceleration Instrument (GAI) on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action was officially launched in on Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action in February 2016.

Now, it is time for civil society to leverage concrete actions!                                                                                             


More details are available in the Global Acceleration Instrument (GAI) Annual Report here>>